Dr. Sylvia Rimm
Dr. Sylvia Rimm’s many years as a contributing correspondent to NBC’s Today Show and as a favorite personality on public radio make her a familiar child psychologist to many audiences. She gained a national following by her common sense and practical parenting and teaching advice. She has a deep understanding of how kids think and interact, and is an inspiring and motivating presenter. In her nationally syndicated parenting column with Creators Syndicate, Dr. Rimm answers hundreds of letters each year from parents around the world.
Dr. Rimm is a psychologist, director of Family Achievement Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, and is a clinical professor at Case Western Reserve School of
Medicine. Families come from all over the United States for help. She also counsels gifted children and their families at Menlo Park Academy, a charter school in Cleveland. Dr. Rimm speaks and publishes internationally on family and school approaches to guiding children toward achievement, reversing underachievement, gender issues in achievement, and social and emotional issues related to giftedness and creativity. She is a dynamic and inspiring speaker who fascinates audiences of all ages and backgrounds, tailoring her educational talks to the special themes of the audience. ![]() Dr. Rimm draws experience and inspiration from her wonderful husband; her very successful children: 2 daughters and 2 sons, and
their spouses; and 9 vivacious grandchildren. Please click to view Dr. Rimm's Resume. |