LEARNING TO COPE COMPETITION IN THE FAMILY The hardest kind of competition to cope with is within the family. When another sibling is born or the parent remarries, the child may feel irrationally and extraordinarily jealous, although he knows he should be happy about the new member of the family. I call this concept “dethronement.” Dethroned children typically exhibit negativity, anger, or sadness. Their personalities may change so dramatically that parents, teachers, and even doctors may assume they’re undergoing clinical depression. Some comments from parents about dethroned children follow:
“Emphasis on the cooperation of COMPETITION IN LIFE Some children live in highly competitive families. They may As parents, you should model participation in some activities where you don't always win. You will want to voice respect for the talent and skill of your competitors so that your children can hear that admiration process. However, the admiration shouldn't mean that you hope or expect your “You are building unlikely Parents frequently tell their children they can do anything if they're willing to work hard enough. Although it's true enough that practice enhances skill, your children, despite all efforts, may not make it to Olympic sports, the Metropolitan Opera, Harvard Medical School, the Broadway stage, the National Ballet, the Cleveland Indians, or the Green Bay Packers. Although these expectations are usually delivered in jest, children often take them seriously. Some children may begin their efforts immediately and may assume that if they're stars of the sixth grade basketball team, they're on the way to professional basketball. They practice basketball earnestly, but schoolwork seems undeserving of a similar commitment. Learning to work in arenas where they are not stars is an essential component of learning to function effectively in a competitive society. COMPETITION IN SCHOOL The ability to function in competition is central to achievement. Underachievers have not learned the techniques of competing. Although they may win happily, they have not learned to recover after losses. They lose their tempers, sulk, quit, or avoid and don't take the risk of working unless they are certain to win. Parents should teach children how to cope with a competitive life-style because surviving in a competitive environment is synonymous with achieving. “Parents can teach their Parents can teach their children to be survivors. They can Other children take a more destructive path that leads to underachievement. With failure, they become failure-oriented. They come to view school as a competitive game in HEALTHY PROBLEM SOLVING To help their children cope with losses, parents should first examine their own competitive style; children may have learned maladaptive responses to failure at home. For example, parents may model an attitude of quitting too quickly if a problem gets difficult, of avoiding any type of competition, or of habitually blaming external sources for their own shortcomings or lack of effort. A possible restructuring of parental attitudes and expectations, therefore, may be the first priority for helping children who are not achieving well in school. “Children should be taught to Children should be taught to identify creative alternatives for their losses or failures. For example, they should recognize that normal people—even very talented ones—cannot be "Number 1 " in everything, but that every person has areas in which they are talented. Children should not feel insecure or threatened by an occasional setback, nor should they receive too much sympathy. Discussions of children's losses may need to wait until after the emotional tension is reduced in order to avoid their defensive responses. Parents cannot expect rational perception or logical thinking during the immediate stress period following an upsetting defeat. A questioning approach, rather than a lecture, may better help children understand that (1) they cannot always win, (2) disappointment does not mean they are failures, (3) the particular experience simply was not as successful as they had hoped it would be, (4) everyone would like to be smarter than they are, and especially, (5) the main goal is to play the learning game at their best performance level, regardless of their competitive ranking. Effort counts. *From Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades, And What You Can Do About It (Rimm, Crown Publishing, 1995) ©2011 by Sylvia B. Rimm. All rights reserved. This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author. |