THE ATTENTION DEFICIT-HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER EPIDEMIC Everywhere I go I am deluged with questions about ADHD. Many teachers and parents have been alerted to the symptoms of this problem and are either mystified by the mumber of children being medicated or are anxious to refer to physicians for medication, high–energy children who are not concentrating appropriately on schoolwork. ADHD AND MEDICATION A great deal of literature has been prepared to explan ADHD and appropriate use of medication, but that literature is typically prepared by proponents of the use of medication. My bias is not to use medication except in extreme cases and to use behavior management techniques for most other children with ADHD symptoms.
The sysmptoms of ADHD can be caused biologically or they can be caused environmentally. I don’t consider it appropriate to treat these symptoms with medication unless parents and teachers have worked with these children behaviorally. High-energy children have always been harder to parent and teach, but high energy is also (although not always) a characteristic of intellectual giftedness. RITALIN Ritalin is the medication most frequently used for ADHD children. I believe that it is often overused and misused. One teacher of the gifted in Florida reported to me that half her students were taking medication for ADHD. There are side effects of Ritalin for some children like loss of appetite, stomach aches, headaches, tics, and insomnia. Although Ritalin may calm a great many children, it would seem better to me if these children could learn to focus attention and discipline themselves toward motivation. While this may be harder for some children than others, most children can learn these skills. Many ADHD children concetrate well in their ares of interest. A UNITED FRONT - PARENTS AND TEACHERS When we work with ADHD children in our Clinic, we find great success if parents and teachers are guided on how to set clear limits for their children. Teaching adults not to overreact and to take charge is helpful. Consistency between parents is extremely important. Attention to the positive is also critical. There are also techniques for teaching children to help themselves to concentrate and avoid impulsiveness and behavior problems. Specific classroom approaches to foster in-seat behavior and withdrawal of negative attention are critical. CONTROLLING ADHD WITHOUT MEDICATION In many of the symptoms of ADHD can be controlled behaviorally, medication can be avoided for most of these children. A few of them will need both medication and behavioral help to work to their abilites in school. Teaching these children to be achievers in school is certainly an important part of the cure. The growing interest in Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder has caused a serious problem. There has been an overdiagnosing of the disorder by parents, teachers and professionals. It is almost as if Ritalin has been hailed as a magical cure.
CASE TESTAMONY The following letter was written by a parent of a boy who had been referred to the Clinic by a teacher because the teacher thought the child should have Ritalin:
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