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Raising Happy and Well Behaved Preschoolers

This generation's preschool children are being raised at home, at day-care centers, at child-care providers' homes, and at nursery schools, rather than only in their own homes. Questions addressed to Dr. Rimm on radio and through the newspaper reflect concerns by both parents and child-care providers.  Some topics include:  appropriate choices, limit setting, how to determine age for entering kindergarten, day care, imagination or lying, giftedness, and appropriate praise. 

       Dr. Rimm will share the foundational principals of smart parenting which she provides to parents at Family Achievement Clinic, to the listeners of her national public radio program, to viewers on her NBC-TV Today show interviews, to the readers of her syndicated newspaper column, and in her new parenting book, How to Parent so Children Will Learn .  She will describe the four cornerstones of raising happy achieving children.

1. Empowering Your Children With the V of Love - How to praise and empower moderately so children do not feel excess pressure, are not given adult power too soon, and are encouraged to love learning.

2. United Parenting - How spouses can support each other and their children's teachers to strengthen the educational process and prevent their children's underachievement.  Single parenting, grandparenting, and child care will be included.

3. Teaching Habits That Encourage Learning - How to teach habits as well as independent daily routines which will foster achievement and self-confidence.

4. Setting Positive Expectations - How parents can communicate messages about achievement to their children by what they say about their own work.  Gender expectations for achievement will also be described.


©2010 by Sylvia B. Rimm. All rights reserved. This publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author.

©2008 by Sylvia B. Rimm. All rights reserved.
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