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By Dr. Sylvia Rimm

3rd Edition Now Available!

How to Parent so
Children Will Learn

SR-431 - 344 Pages
Softcover Book
- $20.00

Click On the Cover Below to Read an Excerpt

How To Parent


USA Book Award Winner
in Parenting


Arizona Book Award Winner in Parenting

*2008 iParenting Media Award, Outstanding Product Winner

*2008 ForeWord Magazine, Book of the Year Award, Silver - Parenting

*2009 Family & Parenting Books Mom's Choice Award, Parenting - General

Companion Audio Set Available:

SR-106CD - 2 CD Set - $15.00

Only 4-6 Weeks Delivery

Now parents can consult an actual blueprint for bringing up their children in this book. In her compassionate yet no-nonsense style, Dr. Sylvia Rimm presents parents with basic strategies for guiding their children from birth to young adulthood. She explains how to give children a sense of confidence without "over-empowering" them, set positive expectations by example as well as through direct praise, and teach habits that encourage learning.A few of the many topics:
Toys that teach,
selection of child care,
guiding TV use,
dealing with attention deficit disorders,
coping with test anxiety,
encouraging children to do chores,
single parenting,
school communication,
and setting expectations.

"A useful guide for parents by a wise and sensitive observer of children." --Jerome Kagan, Ph.D., Dept. of Psychology, Harvard University

"The 3rd edition of this insightful book has updated and expanded information to keep the reader up-to-date with our ever-changing world of raising kids. This is a book that you do not have to sit down and read cover to cover to find the part that applies to your situation. You will find instant answers, and from my own personal experience will receive instant results. After reading a few pages of this book, I incorporated Sylvia's strategies and was astounded at the quick and positive results in my own children. Seeing the improvement in your children and the way they feel about themselves when they begin to achieve puts a smile on everyone's face and gives the parent the pat on the back and the assurance that you do have the ability to raise happy, successful children.

The greatest thing about this book is the reader will get more and more out of it as time goes by. How to Parent So Children Will Learn will not spend much time on the bookshelf at my house, I will be referring to it constantly." -- Trish Trimble, Missouri Association for the Gifted and Talented.

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